Main Street, Netherseal, Derbyshire, DE12 8BZ
01283 760283

Class 3 - Mrs Slater and Mrs Machell

Mrs Slater and Mrs Machell teach children in Reception and Year 1. 

Our Early-Years classroom is spacious and purpose-built,  has a well-equipped outdoor learning area and the up-to-date technology that is common to all of our classrooms.

Every day there are opportunities for play and more direct learning. Children are provided with activities that enable them to explore, investigate and practise emerging skills.

We use the Monster Phonics programme and the Oxford Reading Tree Scheme.

Child Friendly Anti-bullying Policy written by Class 1

Child Friendly Safeguarding Leaflet written by Class 1

Child Friendly Complaints Policy written by Class 1

Child Friendly Online Safety Policy written by Class 1

Child Friendly SEND Information Report

Early Years Policy


The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) lasts until the end of Reception year. At the end of the year, your child's teacher decides to what extent they have met the 'Early Learning Goals'.

The ELG identify key skills that children should demonstrate by the end of Reception. Children who have not met some or all of these will continue to work on these aspects in Year One.


Below is a link to the Hungry Little Minds website which gives some examples of fun activities you could be doing at home with your child to practise skills they learn in school. 

Hungry Little MInds

Click here for Class 3 Curriculum Overview Cycle A

Please see below for Knowledge Organisers Cycle A

Knowledge organisers are not a curriculum. The body of knowledge that children gain at the end of a topic will be much deeper and wider but they are a very useful short document giving parents and children the key facts, vocabulary and information about the topic being studied.



Special Books

Material Matters

Perfect Plants

Are You Sitting Comfortably?

Celebrating Difference and Diversity


Range of traditional tales including Jack and the Beanstalk and The Three Little Pigs



What do Christians believe God is like?

The Force is With You

Being Responsible

Being Safe

Land Ahoy Year 1

Land Ahoy EYFS


Maps and Globes by Jack Knowlton

A Planet Full Of Plastic by Neal Layton

Emma Jane's Aeroplane by Katie Haworth

Range of rhyming books by Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler




Bullying Matters

Animals Around Us EYFS

Animals Around Us Year 1

Light and Dark Year 1

Being Me EYFS Plan

Being Me Reception

Being Me Year 1

Where do I live? EYFS Plan

Where do I live? Year 1


Colour Monster by Anna Llenas

What Makes Me a ME!' by Ben Faulks and David Tazzyman

'Five Little Sense All in a Row' by A Fusek Peters



Click here for Class 3 Curriculum Overview Cycle B

Please see below for Knowledge Organisers 2024-2025 Cycle B



Celebrating Difference and Diversity

Near, Far, Wherever You Are!

Sound and Hearing


All Are Welcome by Alexandra Penfold

We All Belong by Natalie Goss

Our Diversity Makes Us Stronger by Elizabeth Cole

It’s Okay to be Different by Sharon Purtill



Drug Education

In the Beginning...

Roots, Shoots, Animals and Fruits

Commotion in the Ocean

Wonderful Weather

Road Trip

Being Safe


In the Beginning illustrated by Madison Mastrangelo

Monkey Puzzle by Julia Donaldson

Waterbugs and Dragonflies by Doris Stickney



Everyday Materials

Sacred Places

Bullying Matters Class 3

Being me Year 1

Stay Healthy! Stay Happy!

Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole



A Picture Book of Florence Nightingale by David A Adler

Mary Seacole by Naida Redgrave

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Reading in Class 3...


"The more you read, the more things you will know. The more you learn, the more places you'll go." Dr Seuss


In Class 3 we love to read! We have the opportunity to enjoy a story, share a book with a friend and read every day in our cosy corner and when the weather is nice outside we take the opportunity to read outdoors.

Below is a list of recommended reads:


Year 1

To support our teaching of phonics, we have purchased the Monster Phonics Programme which is DfE approved. It is a very engaging, colour-coded, multi-sensory system and is used in Class 3 (from EYFS through to Year 2).

If you would like to meet the Monster graphemes and see how the programme works, please use the following link:

Here are some useful websites to help with reading and phonics:



Writing in Class 3...

"You can make anything by writing." C. S Lewis


Reception Word Chart

Year 1. 100-Word Chart

Year 1 Next 200-Word Chart

Click here for Spelling Menu Activities

In Class 3, we find lots of exciting and engaging opportunities to develop our passion for writing. 


After reading 'Room on a Broom', we wrote our own spells, made a wand and made a magic potion!

Maths in Class 3...


"It's fine to work on any problem, so long as it generates interesting mathematics along the way- even if you don't solve it at the end of the day."- Andrew Wiles

In Class 3, we aim to provide our children with a curriculum which develops their mathematical skills to their full potential and inspires a love and appreciation of the world of mathematics.

Science in Class 3...

"The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new discoveries is not 'Eureka!', but 'That's funny...'" - Issac Asimov


We aim to ignite children's curiosity and to help develop their skills, knowledge and attitudes about the world in which we live, by presenting science experiences which are in a practical and relevant context. The children have enjoyed investigating our five sense with a range of different activities and making a very healthy salad!

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Our new topic this term is learning all about forces.  We have been exploring how we can use pushes and pulls to change the speed, shape and direction of an object. 

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Art in Class 3...

Look at the wonderful art we have created!

People Who Help Us

We had a visit in school from a paramedic and a police officer who bought their emergency vehicles to show us. We got to have a look around inside both the ambulance and the police van- we even pressed the siren!

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Farm Visit

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Class 3 going wild on ‘Wear it Wild’ Day!
