Main Street, Netherseal, Derbyshire, DE12 8BZ
01283 760283

Summer Week 5

Good morning Class 3!

Take a look at the science investigations and problem solving books some of you produced last week!

Science Investigations - we certainly have some budding scientists!

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We also have some fantastic mathematicians!

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Friday 22nd May

Good morning Class 3!

We have come to the end of this half term so this will be your last day of home learning until June 1st -  I hope you have a fabulous half term week!

Enjoy this time with your families and if you want to do any activities you didn't get time for this week, I'd love to see them!


EYFS: Continue with the activities I set yesterday. We have a lovely photograph of Eliza's natural repeating patterns below!

Year 1 and 2: I have uploaded lots of White Rose fluency and reasoning and problem solving questions into the pdf file box. These will test just how much you have learned about shapes over the past week! You can choose as many or as few as you like - are you up for the challenge?

Friday maths


Continue reading 'East of the Sun, West of the Moon' using the Oxford Owl link from yesterday.

Remember, you might need to read this with an adult or listen to them read the story to you.

When you have finished, have a go at the 'play activities'.

Then, try re-telling the story to a grown up using the story map on p32. You don't have to write this down but you can if you would like to (English book - title Recount).


You have had a very creative week! Have you finished any pieces of art, I'd love to see them!

Did you manage to do any drawing from nature yesterday? In school, we did some lovely, detailed drawings of flowers, leaves and twigs - it was a great way to spend a sunny afternoon!

Our last art topic is 'Land Art'. Take a look at some fabulous land art sculptures below by Andy Goldsworthy, Alastair Heseltine, Cornelia Konrads, Heather Jansch and Jaako Pernu.


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Look at the PowerPoint. Land Art PowerPoint

Can you produce a piece of land art? Will you use sticks? Pebbles? Flowers? Wood? Think carefully about the shapes and colours - which feelings and emotions are you sharing with you art?

Thursday 21st May

Hello again! I hope that you are all well and enjoying the wonderful sunshine! Some of today's activities could be done outside!

If you haven't completed the work set so far, don't worry! You can catch up today or leave it and do today's activities instead!


All year groups test your shape knowledge with the 'What Shape Am I? PowerPoint. How many did you get right?

Click here: 2Dshapes - 'What Shape Am I?' Quiz.

EYFS: You can do these activities over two days - Click hereEYFS Thursday and Friday Maths.pdf

Year 1 and 2: Tessellation. Watch the link on BBC Bitesize and complete the activity below the video - click here BBC Bitesize

Is there any tessellation in your home? Have you got any tiling on the floor or in your bathroom? Have a go at designing your own tessellating pattern.

Draw it I your maths book or on a piece of paper Your title is Tessellation.

Think carefully about which shapes will fit together without overlapping or leaving a space!


Go onto Oxford Owl and read the book, 'East of the Sun, West of the Moon' to page 18. (We will finish the book tomorrow.)                                                                        Click here: Oxford Owl digital book

You might need some help from an adult. You could read it together or listen to your adult read it to you.

How did Astrid break her promise?

Why did Astrid go to look for Long Nose?


How is your artwork going? You have looked at three artists who use shapes and colours to express feeling and emotions. Today I would like you to try some observational drawing.

Click here to see the PowerPoint: Drawing From Nature PowerPoint. Have a go at the activities on slide 13 and 14.

I would love to see your drawings when you have finished!

Tomorrow will be our last day of home learning before we break up for half term, and we will finish with some land art - I can't wait!



Wednesday 20th May

Good morning Class 3! I hope that you are getting to grips with shape!

Today we are going to be practising our maths online and learning about symmetry, writing about shapes and discovering our final artist of the week: Robert Delaunay.


First, I would like you to practise what you have learned. Click on the link here for a 2D shape pairs game.


Watch the YouTube clip here: Symmetry Land Song

You could draw your own symmetrical fairground rides or choose an activity from the list in the pdf file box. These can be downloaded and printed, drawn in your maths book under the title Symmetry or drawn on paper. You could colour the triangles to make a symmetrical pattern, find lines of symmetry or create a symmetrical monster!  Don't forget to send them to Mrs Machell so we can share them on the website!

Class 3 symmetry


Divide your maths book into four quarters or cut out at least four cards. Write some sentences to describe a 2D shape. One card per shape or write in your maths book.

Remember capital letters, full stops and question marks. Your title is What Shape Am I?

Take a look at the examples below. You could decorate and play the game with someone in your family. Can they guess which shape you are describing?




I hope that you are enjoying our art topic and getting creative!

If you still need time to finish Piet Mondrian and/or Paul Klee, that's fine but if you're ready for a new creative challenge, today we are learning about Robert Delaunay.

Robert Delaunay used very bright colours, lots of simple shapes and sometimes symmetry to express joy and movement.

Read the PowerPoint, look at the photographs below, then click on the pdf document for today's activity. Please remember to send your art to Mrs Machell to share on the website! Have fun!

Robert Delaunay PowerPoint

Robert Delaunay Activity

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Tuesday 19th May

Today we will be learning about properties of 2-D shapes and our English and topic work will be linked to the famous artist Paul Klee.

Paul Klee was born in Switzerland and like Mondrian, he used shape and colour to express feelings and emotions.


All maths activities are in the pdf file below:

EYFS There are three sheets where you should count how many different shapes you can see eg. 4 circles, 3 squares and 1 oval.

You can download and print or you could write the answers in your maths book. The title is Counting Shapes. As an extension activity, you might like to draw your own picture using simple geometric shapes - square, rectangle, triangle and circle.

Year 1 Number of Sides activity sheet. You can download and print or record the answers in your maths book.

The title is Properties of 2D Shapes. If you are hungry for more maths, you might like to try the Year 1 extension sheet!

Year 2 Year 2 Shape Properties Table. You can download and print or draw a table in your maths book to record your answers. The title is Properties of 2D Shapes.

If you would like a challenge, try the Year 2 shape extension sheet.

Class 3 shape Tuesday


Read the Paul Klee PowerPoint (you might need an adult to help).

Below is an image of two 'When Will I Be Famous?' cards (Charles Darwin and Thomas Edison). I would like you to use the information and facts you have found about Paul Klee from the PowerPoint and create a 'When Will I Be Famous?' card for him in a similar way. You might wish to plan your card in your jotter first so that the final card is neat, accurate and well-spaced. What do you think is the  most important information that should be included? Why is Paul Klee famous?  Will you use bullet points?

Remember capital letters at the beginning of sentences and for the names of people and places!

Paul Klee PowerPoint




I hope that you enjoyed creating a piece of art in the style of Piet Mondrian yesterday. If you didn't manage your own piece of art or need more time to finish it, that's fine!

However, if you did complete yesterday's work, we will be producing some art in the style of Paul Klee today.

First, choose one of his famous works from the gallery below. Download an art appreciation sheet and use it to talk to an adult about how Paul Klee's art makes you feel: Do you like his work? Why?

Then complete one (or more) of the activities in the pdf files box - there are so many to choose from (choose carefully and think about the resources you have got at home).


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This is my attempt at digital art inspired by Paul Klee - I have used the programme PAINT. Maybe you could have a go?

Paul Klee Topic

Monday 18th May

I hope you had a lovely weekend with your families and are ready for our last week of home learning before half term.

This week we are getting creative! Our topic is colour and shape and we will be exploring this through maths and by studying some famous artists so I look forward to seeing your creations! Remember, if you can't manage these activities, need a break or would like to do something else, it's entirely up to you!


Today we will be comparing 2-D shapes and reminding ourselves what they are called.

I have uploaded a word mat which will be helpful during the week and some adult prompts to help direct discussions while you are looking at shape. There are additional activities you might enjoy as an extension or instead of the activities I have suggested.

2D Shape Word Mat

Let's Talk About Shapes - adult prompts

EYFS Tangram Puzzle Pack

Animal Tangrams

First, watch the BBC Bitesize Clip and have a go at the activities: Click 2D shapes

Then, have a go at the online game here: sorter 2d shapes game

EYFS: Draw a shape pizza using squares, circles, rectangles and triangles

Year 1: Draw a shape pizza using squares, circles, rectangles, triangles, hexagons and octagons

Year 2: Draw a shape pizza using squares, circles, rectangles, triangles, pentagons, hexagons and octagons.

How many of each shape have you included on your pizza? Are all of the shapes the same size or are they different? Year 2, can you colour your shapes in and label using a key (we have used keys in school).



All of your English activities are in the pdf file box below:

Take another look at the Writing a Sentence PowerPoint. We looked at this last week and got to slide 13. You can remind yourself by watching it again from the beginning or start from slide 14.

EYFS: Slide 15 - 'Write a Sentence'                                                                                                                                                                                                               Using the 'Who' and 'What' cards in the pdf file box, write some simple sentences in your English Book. You can download and print the cards or use them from your device. The title is Sentences. You can make some silly sentences if you like:              

eg. The cat rides on the bike. The mouse was reading the newspaper.                                                                                                                                                                 As an extension, can you link ideas using 'and'?

eg The lady and man got into the car. The old man brushed the cat and the dog.

Remember your capital letters, full stops and finger spaces!

Year 1: Read the rest of the PowerPoint from slide 14 then have a go at the activity sheet in the pdf files box, 'Get it Right'. There are two levels of difficulty - 'One Star' is slightly easier, 'Two Stars' is a little more difficult - choose the right one for you. This can be downloaded and printed or write straight into your English book under the title Sentence Work.

Year 2: You have a new SPAG mat. There are three levels of difficulty so try to choose the right one for you! You can download and print or write straight into your English book. The Title is SPAG Mat 2.


Class 3 Monday 18th English


Today we will be studying the famous artist Piet Mondrian. Mondrian was a Dutch artist who used colours, lines and shapes to express how he was feeling. Take a look at some of his most famous works of art below.

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Read the PowerPoint below (you may need an adult to help) and talk about primary colours.

There is a collage activity included in the PowerPoint but if you prefer, you could complete the colouring sheet I have uploaded or even make up your own. If you don't have any coloured paper, pencil, paints or felt tipped pens, maybe you could create a monochrome, black and white picture?

I have also uploaded a fact sheet about Mondrian which you may find interesting.

I look forward to seeing your creations!

Piet Mondrian PowerPoint

Piet Mondrian Colouring Sheet

Piet Mondrian Fact Sheet